Two-level Grouping & Concatenation


I have one table called ‘activity_data’, which contains the following fields: id (int(11)) , sports_name (varchar(20)), activity_date (datetime)

Here’s information of activity_data table:


id sports_name activity_date


1 Cricket 2015-05-12


2 Football 2015-05-12


3 Cricket 2015-06-10


4 Basketball 2015-06-08


5 Khokho 2015-06-02


6 Kubbdi 2015-06-04


7 Cricket 2015-05-12


8 Kubbdi 2015-05-12


9 Cricket 2015-06-09


10 Football 2015-06-03


Now I’m executing the following queries:


SELECT GROUP\_CONCAT(id) id ,GROUP\_CONCAT(DISTINCT(sports\_name)) sports\_name,activity_date

FROM filter\_activity\_data

WHERE activity_date BETWEEN  '2015-05-12'  AND  '2015-06-04' 

GROUP  BY activity_date

ORDER  BY activity_date ASC


Output is like this:


id  sports_name  activity_date


1,2,7,8  Cricket,Football,Kubbdi 2015-05-12


5  Khokho 2015-06-02


10 Football 2015-06-03


6  Kubbdi 2015-06-04


… …


I want to get total count of each GROUP_CONCAT sports_name. Expected output is like this:


id  sports_name activity_date


2,1,1  Cricket,Football,Kubbdi 2015-05-12


1  Khokho 2015-06-02


1  Football 2015-06-03


1  Kubbdi 2015-06-04


… …



SQL solution:

select GROUP_CONCAT(t.name1) as name2 , GROUP_CONCAT(t.count) as counts , t.activity_date from


(SELECT GROUP\_CONCAT(id) id ,GROUP\_CONCAT(DISTINCT(sports_name)) as name1 , count(*) as count , sports\_name,activity\_date

 FROM activity_data

 WHERE activity_date BETWEEN  '2015-05-12'  AND  '2015-06-04'

 GROUP  BY activity\_date, sports\_name

 ORDER  BY activity_date ASC) as t


group  by t.activity_date


There’s a more concise solution with the same algorithm. It is the SPL (Structure Process Language) solution, as shown below:



$select * from activity_data




A1: Retrieve data in SQL;

A2: Perform grouping and count over the records;

A3: Concatenate records of all groups. Here’s the final result:
