Locate Time Ranges for Dates


I have CSV records with timestamps like or every 5 minutes:

- 2015/05/19 16:15:00


- 2015/05/19 16:20:00


- 2015/05/19 16:35:00


- 2015/05/19 16:10:00


- 2015/05/19 16:55:00


I’m using an array to compare if the date per record is within 15 minutes:


ArrayList<String> per15Min = new ArrayList<String>() {{












What I do is read each record, split it based on “,” to extract the Dates:


private SimpleDateFormat csvDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH🇲🇲ss");


private SimpleDateFormat fileDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmm");


// Loop thru each record


while ((perLine = br.readLine()) != null) {


 // Store date per record in a string


 String[] perColumn = perLine.split(",", -1);


 String date = perColumn[0];


 // Convert record date to yyyyMMddHHmm


 Date subDateP = csvDateFormat.parse(csvDate);


 String subDateF = fileDateFormat.format(subDateP);


 // Extract the date without the day (dd)


 String subDate = subDateF.substring(0,10);


 for (int j = 0 ; j < per15Min.size() ; j++) {


 String[] s = per15Min.get(j).split(",", -1);


 String m1 = s[0];


 String m2 = s[1];


 // All dates are in a yyyyMMddHHmm format


 Date before = fileDateFormat.parse(subDate + m1);


 Date after = fileDateFormat.parse(subDate + m2);


 Date csvRd = fileDateFormat.parse(date);


 System.out.println("DATE" + before + ":" + after + ":" + csvRd);


 // Having problems doing date comparison


 if ((before.compareTo(csvRd) >= 0)&& (csvRd.compareTo(after) < 0)) {


 System.out.println("DATE HERE" + before + ":" + after + ":" + csvRd);







As you can see based on the sysout it doesn’t seem to work:


DATE HEREWed May 20 07:30:00 SGT 2015 : Wed May 20 07:45:00 SGT 2015 : Wed May 20 07:30:00 SGT 2015


DATE HEREWed May 20 07:30:00 SGT 2015 : Wed May 20 07:45:00 SGT 2015 : Wed May 20 07:25:00 SGT 2015


DATE HEREWed May 20 07:30:00 SGT 2015 : Wed May 20 07:45:00 SGT 2015 : Wed May 20 07:20:00 SGT 2015


DATE HEREWed May 20 07:30:00 SGT 2015 : Wed May 20 07:45:00 SGT 2015 : Wed May 20 07:15:00 SGT 2015


DATE HEREWed May 20 07:30:00 SGT 2015: Wed May 20 07:45:00 SGT 2015: Wed May 20 07:10:00 SGT 2015


What I need is something like if the timestamp (per 5 min) is within the 15 minute array it will enter the condition:


00-10 minutes must enter at 00,15


15-25 minutes must enter at 15,30


30-40 minutes must enter at 30,45


45-55 minutes must enter at 45,00



To put each timestamp in a time interval with hardcoding, we need a two-level loop and it’s inconvenient to write the dates. It’s simple and easy to do it in esProc SPL:








=A1.new(~:point,A2.pseg(minute(datetime(~.#1,"yyyy/MM/dd   HH🇲🇲SS"))):range)



A1: Import the CSV data.


A3: pseg() function returns the sequence number of the range each date belongs to.


A4: Get the ranges by A3’s sequence numbers to generate the final result.


An SPL script can integrate with a Java application via esProc JDBC. For details about the integration, refer to How to Call an SPL Script in Java.