9.18 Parse table field values according to a regular expression


Parse values of the character type field according to a regular expression.
One task is to get road number (the numerical digit) form each Address value. Below is part of data in Customer table:

ID Name City Address
1 VINET Beijing 124 Guangming North Road
2 TOMSP Jinan 543 Qingnian East Road
3 HANAR Qinhuangdao 22 Guanghua Street
4 VICTE Nanjing Qinglin bridge 68

In SPL, S.regex(rs) function searches for a matching string within string S according to regular expression rs and returns null if no match is found.

SPL script:

1 =connect(“db”)
2 =A1.query@x(“select * from Customer”)
3 =A2.run(Address=number(Address.regex(“\D*(\d+)\D*”)(1)))

A1 Connect to the data source.
A2 Import Customer table.
A3 S.regex() gets road number from each address and parses it as a number.

Execution result:

ID Name City Address
1 VINET Beijing 124
2 TOMSP Jinan 543
3 HANAR Qinhuangdao 22