Download esProc Latest Version『Release:20231020』

esProc Edition Description

  1. Two editions of esProc SPL have been released: Community Edition and Enterprise Edition.

  2. The Community Edition is open-source. Users need to download the source code and compile it for use.

  3. Find differences of these editions, and our support and commercial policies HERE .

  4. The IDEs of Enterprise Edition will try to connect to the official website to find the latest version at each startup. This will trigger internet access and can be aborted. No such action for Community Edition.

Community Edition

Enterprise Edition


20231020 Community Edition Update record

  1. Help Documentation updated;
  2. Improvement: Add “Inverse operation” to certain functions, which corresponds to @z option;
  3. New function: time functions pdate@1 and deq@1, which treat Monday as the first day of the week;
  4. New function: typeof(), which gets a variable’s data type;
  5. New option: @i and @c options in f.structure(), which get structures of an index file and an preaggregation file respectively;
  6. New function: T.cuboid(), which generates preaggregation file and T.cgroups(), which uses preaggregation file to group and summarize a composite table;
  7. New function: s.split@z, which splits a string into two parts at the position of the last delimiter;
  8. New function: f.sortx(), which sorts a bin file/a sequence of bin files and generates a new bin file;
  9. New function: T.append(), which appends data in a table sequence to a composite table’s entity table;
  10. New function: f.reset(), which combine data in a cursor/table sequence into the composite table when arranging data in the latter;
  11. Improvement: Index file-related functionalities for the composite table improved; related functions are T.index()and T.icursor();
  12. Improvement: For functions left(s,n), right(s,n) and mid(s,n,l), the algorithm involving negative parameter n values improved.

20231020 Enterprise Edition Update record

  1. Help Documentation updated;
  2. QVA Cloud Service admin interface improved;
  3. New feature: QJDBC;
  4. New functionality: Pseudo field editing in DQL;
  5. New functionality: Default metadata configration in DQL;
  6. Improvement: Optimize composite table-related funcitonalities in Data File Tool.

20231108 External Library Guide Update record

  1. Update: Math external library
  2. Update: Mongo external library
