How to Parse and Export Multilevel JSON into a CSV File
I’m trying to export JSON to a csv file, but I can’t seem to find a step by step tutorial. I’m wondering if anyone can help me?
I have parsed my JSON file using the approach described in this link.
It works now, but I still need to figure out how to export the parsed data into a CSV file..
You can find in the link below the JSON file I parsed, I just have to figure out how to export:
“attributeName”: “Description”,
“attributeValue”: ""
“attributeName”: “Functional Area”,
“attributeValue”: “TECH”
public static void main(String[] args){
String json=“{\“content\”: [ {\“a\”:{ \“b\” : \“abcd\”, \“c\” : \“bcd\”},\“ab\” : \“123\”,\“abc\”:{\“id\” : \“12345\”, \“name\” : \“abcde\”},\“cd\”: \“afsf\”},{\“a\”:{\“b\” : \“abcd\”, \“c\” : \“bcd\”},\“ab\” : \“123\”,\“abc\”:{\“id\” : \“12346\”,\“name\” : \“abcde\”},\“cd\”: \“afsf\”}]}”;
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(json);
JSONArray jsonArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray(“content”);
for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
JSONObject objects = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i);
String[] elementNames = JSONObject.getNames(objects);
for (String elementName : elementNames)
JSONObject value = objects.getJSONObject(elementName);
String[] elementList = JSONObject.getNames(value);
for(String j:elementList){
To retrieve the id\name fields from the multilevel JSON data, your approach is too complicated. The following SPL script parses JSON, retrieves id\name fields and exports the parsed data to a CSV file. It does all things step by step, and it is simple enough.
A |
1 |
=file(“d:\\source.json”).read() |
2 |
=json(A1).content.(abc) |
3 |
=file(“d:\\result.csv”).export@c(A2) |
The SPL code can be easily integrated with a Java application.
Here’s the result of executing the SPL script:
A1: Read in JSON data as a string;
A2: Generate a table sequence based on the abc level.
A3: Export data in the table sequence to a CSV file.
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