Import Multiple Files With Multiple Sheets in BIRT


1. Import a Files With Multiple Sheets.

Below is an Excel file containing sales data. There are 3 worksheets of the same structure in the file.


Customer ID Customer Name Invoice Number Sale Amount Purchase Date
1234 John Smith 100-0002 $1,200.00 2013/1/1
2345 Mary Harrison 100-0003 $1,425.00 2013/1/6
3456 Lucy Gomez 100-0004 $1,390.00 2013/1/11
4567 Rupert Jones 100-0005 $1,257.00 2013/1/18
5678 Jenny Walters 100-0006 $1,725.00 2013/1/24
6789 Samantha Donaldson 100-0007 $1,995.00 2013/1/31


Customer ID Customer Name Invoice Number Sale Amount Purchase Date
9876 Daniel Farber 100-0008 $1,115.00 2013/2/2
8765 Laney Stone 100-0009 $1,367.00 2013/2/8
7654 Roger Lipney 100-0010 $2,135.00 2013/2/15
6543 Thomas Haines 100-0011 $1,346.00 2013/2/17
5432 Anushka Vaz 100-0012 $1,560.00 2013/2/21
4321 Harriet Cooper 100-0013 $1,852.00 2013/2/25


Customer ID Customer Name Invoice Number Sale Amount Purchase Date
6634 Poop Smith 100-0014 $1,350.00 2013/3/4
8765 Tony Song 100-0015 $1,167.00 2013/3/8
2345 Mary Harrison 100-0016 $1,789.00 2013/3/17
6543 Rachel Paz 100-0017 $2,042.00 2013/3/22
3456 Lucy Gomez 100-0018 $1,511.00 2013/3/28
4321 Susan Wallace 100-0019 $2,280.00 2013/3/30

The merging requires getting two fields, Customer Name & Sales Amount, from each worksheet. Below is the final merging result:

Customer Name Sale Amount
John Smith 1200
Mary Harrison 1425
Lucy Gomez 1390
Rupert Jones 1257
Jenny Walters 1725
....... ........
Susan Wallace 2280


1). Using Excel Datasource in BIRT.

In the Edit Data Set dialog, select Property Binding in the left pane. Then in the Worksheet(s): text box, you can enter (for example if your parameter name was theSheet):

2). Using esProc Datasource in BIRT.

esProc SPL script:

1 =file("D:/sales_2013.xlsx").xlsopen()
2 =A1.conj(A1.xlsimport@t('Customer Name','Sale Amount';~.stname))
3 return A2

2. Import Multiple Files With Multiple Sheets

Here are several Excel files in which every worksheet containing a year’s sales data has the same structure as the worksheets in the previous instance:


1). Using Apache POI in a scripted data source.

You can use Apache POI to dynamically read-in the worksheet names from the XLSX workbook. And populate a scripted data source/data set using these values.

You need to specify all of the JARs(Apache POI version 3.9 in a BIRT 4.5.0 report) for Apache POI in the report design (Resources).

Here is the .rptdesign XML of that definition:

<list-property name="scriptLibs"> 
    <property name="name">stax-api-1.0.1.jar</property> 
    <property name="name">xmlbeans-2.3.0.jar</property> 
    <property name="name">dom4j-1.6.1.jar</property> 
    <property name="name">junit-3.8.1.jar</property> 
    <property name="name">log4j-1.2.13.jar</property> 
    <property name="name">poi-ooxml-3.9-20121203.jar</property> 
    <property name="name">poi-ooxml-schemas-3.9-20121203.jar</property> 
    <property name="name">commons-codec-1.5.jar</property> 
    <property name="name">commons-logging-1.1.jar</property> 
    <property name="name">poi-3.9-20121203.jar</property> 

2). Using esProc Datasource in BIRT.

esProc SPL script:

1 for directory@p("d:/excel/*.xlsx") =file(A1).xlsopen()
2 =B1.conj(B1.xlsimport@t('Customer Name','Sale Amount','Purchase Date';~.stname))
3 =@|B2
4 return B3


A4: Return the merging result :

Customer Name Sale Amount Purchase Date
John Smith 1200 2013-01-01
Mary Harrison 1425 2013-01-06
Lucy Gomez 1390 2013-01-11
Rupert Jones 1257 2013-01-18
...... ...... ......
Thomas Haines 1346 2013-02-17

The report can be designed in the same way as you would if you were retrieving the data from a database. For detail SPL integration with BIRT, see How to Call an SPL Script in BIRT. If you have any questions or comments please leave them below.