Generate Calculated Columns Based on the Aggregation Results



The Excel file book1.xlsx has three columns, as shown in the figure below, in which Master10 is 10-digit numbers, and Digit8 is the first eight digits of Master10.


The task is to calculate the value of Ismax column following the rule that: classify the data according to Digit8; if Master10 is the maximum value in the category, the value of Ismax is Master10; otherwise, the value is Nil.

Write SPL script:







A1 Read the data of book1.xlsx 

A2 Group the data by Digit8, and then loop through each group. First, calculate the maximum value a of Master10 in the group, and then loop through each record in the group. If Master10=a in this record, set Ismax=Master10, otherwise Ismax=Nil

A3 Store the results in A1 to book2.xlsx



There is an Excel file book1.xlsx as shown below:


The original data is out of order. We need to find a record with the latest date (DATE) in each group (FRUIT), mark it as TRUE, and mark the others as FALSE. The results are as follows:


Write SPL script:




2, DATE=if(DATE==a, "TRUE","FALSE")))



A1 Read the data of book1.xlsx

A2 Group the data by FRUIT, and then loop each group. First, calculate the maximum value a of DATE in the group, and then loop each record in the group. If DATE=a in this record, set LATEST DATE=TRUE, otherwise LATEST DATE=FALSE 

A3 Store the results in A1 to book2.xlsx