1.16 Grouping: get groups according to the specified aggregate value


Based on the following daily product sales table, find dates when daily sales amount exceeds 300,000.

OrderDate ProductName Sales
1996-07-04 Aniseed Syrup 51919.0000
1996-07-04 Chai 21169.0000
1996-07-04 Chang 23154.0000
1996-07-04 Chef Anton’s Cajun Seasoning 20307.0000
1996-07-04 Chef Anton’s Gumbo Mix 97636.0000

SPL script:

1 =connect(“db”)
2 =A1.query@x(“select * from ProductDailySales”)
3 =A2.groups(OrderDate;sum(Sales):TotalSales)
4 =A3.select(TotalSales>300000)

A1 Connect to the database;
A2 Query ProductDailySales table;
A3 Group A2’s records by order date and sum sales amounts in each group;
A4 Get records where the daily total sales amount exceeds 300,000.

Execution result:

OrderDate TotalSales
1996/7/10 394565
1996/7/11 402883
1996/7/22 331978
1996/8/1 304470
1996/8/6 306196