1.17 Grouping: filter records according to the specified aggregate value


Find every product whose total sales amount is above the average sales amount in the category it belongs to based on the following table recording product sales in each category.

CategoryName ProductName ProductSales
Beverages C?te de Blaye 46563.09
Beverages Chai 4887
Beverages Chang 7038.55
Beverages Chartreuse verte 4475.7
Beverages Guaraná Fantástica 1553.63

SPL script:

1 =connect(“db”)
2 =A1.query@x(“select * from ProductSales”)
3 =A2.group(CategoryName)
4 =A3.((a=~.avg(ProductSales),~.select(ProductSales>a))).conj()

A1 Connect to the database;
A2 Retrieve ProductSales table;
A3 Group A2’s records by product category and keep the grouped subsets at the same time;
A4 Loop to calculate the average sales amount on each grouped subset, assign the result to temporary variable a, get records from each group whose sales amounts are greater than a, and concatenate all eligible records.

Execution result:

CategoryName ProductName ProductSales
Beverages C?te de Blaye 46563.09
Beverages Ipoh Coffee 11069.9
Condiments Chef Anton’s Cajun Seasoning 5214.88
Condiments Gula Malacca 6543.45
Condiments Louisiana Fiery Hot Pepper Sauce 9331.08