6.13 Group by segment: segment by field value


Group records by segment and perform count aggregation according to values of the specified field.
Group employees according to enumerated conditions, which are salary below 8000, between 8000 and 12000 and above 12000, according to employee salary table, and count employees in each group.

1 Rebecca 1974-11-20 7000
2 Ashley 1980-07-19 11000
3 Rachel 1970-12-17 9000
4 Emily 1985-03-07 7000
5 Ashley 1975-05-13 16000

We can use pseg(x) function in the alignment function align(n,y) to divide records into multiple segments.

SPL script:

1 =connect(“db”)
2 =A1.query@x(“select * from EMPLOYEE”)
3 [0,8000,12000]
4 =A2.align@a(A3.len(),A3.pseg(SALARY))
5 =A4.new(A3 (#):SALARY,~.count():COUNT)

A1 Connect to the database.
A2 Query EMPLOYEE table.
A3 Define salary intervals.
A4 Use pseg function to get the interval a SALARY value belongs to.
A5 Find the number of employees in each group.

Execution result:

0 308
8000 153
12000 39