7.10 Add records for missing values in the grouped and summarized result according to table association


We have the following data:

Date Sales
2022/5/3 88818
2022/5/4 70964
2022/5/6 19370
2022/5/7 37837
2022/5/6 17512
2022/5/3 36062
2022/5/4 96110

Our task is to calculate the total sales of each day from 2022-05-03 to 2022-05-07; record the sales as 0 if there isn’t sales for a certain day.
Note: There is missing data in the table. No sales data for the date 2022-05-05.

In this case, it is not right to perform grouping & aggregation directly. Instead, we need to generate a sequence of dates from 2022-05-03 to 2022-05-07, ensuring that each date is included, and perform alignment aggregation according to the date sequence.

SPL script:

1 =T(“data.xlsx”)
2 =periods(“2022-05-03”, “2022-05-07”)
3 =A1.align@a(A2,Date)
4 =A3.new(A2(#):Date, ~.sum(Sales):Sales)

A3 Align A1’s records to A2 according to values of Date field.
A4 Create the result table sequence by aligning to both A3’s result set and A2’s sequence.

Execution result:

Date Sales
2022-05-03 124880
2022-05-04 167074
2022-05-06 36882
2022-05-07 37837