Deploy and Use RSRV in esProc Enterprise Edition
esProc Enterprise Edition provides the Remote Server (abbreviated as RSRV). The feature enables users to upload/download files to/from a remote server or the remote storage, or modify and debug a SPL script on the remote server.
You need to deploy the Remote Server (RSRV) application before using the remote server. esProc Enterprise Edition has the QVS deployed in its built-in Tomcat, so you can directly use it after installing esProc in your remote machines. You can also deploy the RSRV in an independent application.
Quick start
esProc Enterprise edition offers a complete set of RSRV project in its installer. The path is【esproc installation directory】\esProc\q-server\webapps\qvs. Just install esProc Enterprise Edition in the local and remote machines to log on a remote server quickly through the RSRV application.
The following example will walk you through the how to use the RSRV.
There is an employee table that records employee information in database mydemoon remote server We want to retrieve information of employees whose salaries are above 8,000 per month from the employee table on a local machine using a script. The script is stored on the remote server for the convenience of later debugging.
Step 1: Edit a script locally
Edit a script on the local esProc as required:
Save the script on the local machine as D:\tmp\test1.splx.
Step 2: Configure IP address and port number
Configure the IP address and the port number in 【esproc installation directory】\esProc\q-server\conf\server.xml on the remote server:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Server port="8041" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">
<Service name="Catalina">
<Connector port="8090" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
<Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost">
<Host name="" appBase="webapps"
unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="false"
deployXML ="false" deployOnStartup ="false" >
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" directory="logs"
prefix="localhost_access_log" suffix=".txt"
pattern="%h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b" />
<Context path="/qvs" docBase="qvs" reloadable="true" privileged="true"> </Context>
Step 3: Configure data sourceand serial number
Edit configuration file raqsoftConfig.xmland configure the data sourceand serial numberin【esProc installation directory】\esProc\q-server\webapps\qvs\WEB-INF\home\raqsoftConfig.xmlon the remote server:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Config Version="3">
<DB name="mydemo">
<property name="url" value="jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://" ></property>
<property name="driver" value="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver" ></property>
<property name="type" value="13" ></property>
<property name="user" value="sa" ></property>
<property name="password" ></property>
<property name="batchSize" value="1000" ></property>
<property name="autoConnect" value="true" ></property>
<property name="useSchema" value="false" ></property>
<property name="addTilde" value="false" ></property>
<property name="dbCharset" value="UTF-8" ></property>
<property name="clientCharset" value="UTF-8" ></property>
<property name="needTransContent" value="false" ></property>
<property name="needTransSentence" value="false" ></property>
<property name="caseSentence" value="false" ></property>
Note: The path of the driver to be automatically loaded for the RSRV application is【installation root directory】\common\jdbc. By default there is the driver for HSQLDB in the directory. To integrate and deploy the RSRV to a certain database application, put the corresponding database driver in a class path that can be loaded.
If you need to configure the other databases, just do as the first two steps show.
Step 4: Start the database
Execute startDataBase.bat(startDataBase.shfor Linux) in【esProc installation directory】\esProc\binon the remote server.
Step 5: Start the RSRV
Start RSRV through the starup file or through the Start menu.
The starup file is StartRSRV.bat (StartRSRV.shfor Linux)under 【esProc installation directory】\esProc \bin.
Step 6: Log in RSRV
Open esProc IDE and click【RSRV -> Log in】on the menu bar:
* Server Name: the user-defined server name; namesake servers are not allowed;
* URL: “http://”;
* Verification string: The string for verifying RSRV connection; default is "demoqvs". Learn more in Quick Integration – Step 4: Configuring RSRV.
Enter all the information correctly and you can log in and access the RSRV.
Then the logged in RSRV resource myRSRV is displayed under File Resource on the left part of the IDE. Under myRSRV, there are RSRV main directory and remote storage directory. As no remote storage address is configured for the RSRV, only the main directory is displayed. To use the remote storage service, see Quick Integration – Step 4: Configuring RSRV.
The main directory is by default【esProc installation directory】\esProc\q-server\webapps\qvs\WEB-INF\home\splx. To change the main directory, do as Quick Integration – Step 3: Set QVS RSRV main directoryexplains.
Step 7: Debug script remotely
1.Upload the local script test1.splxonto main directory of the RSRV
Right-click the main directory to select “Upload File”:
Or Select 【RSRV -> Upload File】on the menu bar:
Click “Select Node” and then select the “Main path”:
Select D:\tmp\test1.splx and click “Upload File”. Now you get the following information after the upload is finished:
2.Execute the remote script.
Double-click script test1.splx in the RSRV’s main directory to open and execute it.
Actually, the script is now executed directly on the remote server, rather than being downloaded to the local for execution.
3.Debug the remote script
Add a condition to the script: find the number of employees whose salaries are above 8,000 in each department. Now change the script test1.splx as follows:
Click “Save” to synchronously update the modified script in the remote server.
Quick Integration
The above is how to use the RSRV deployed in the esProc built-in Tomcat. Now look at how to deploy the RSRV in your independent applications and the remote storage directory.
Step 1: Integrate application directory
The RSRV application’s path is 【esProc installation directory】\esProc\q-server\webapps\qvs. Integrate all contents below into the WEB application.
Then you also need to put jars in the directories below to the lib directory:
【esProc installation directory】\esProc\lib;
【esProc installation directory】\esProc\q-extlib, which contains the third-party jars of various remote storage platforms. You just get the corresponding jars for the remote storage service used. In this step you should put the jar in s3directory to the RSRV application’s libdirectory.
1. To connect to the database, see Quick Start - Configure data source.
2. All files can be directly copied except for web.xml. You need to copy the content of QVS’s web.xmlto the web.xmlto be integrated. The order of the content should be consistent with the rule of related application server.
Step 2: Set IP address and port number
Step 3: Set RSRV main directoryand serial number
Set the RSRV main directoryand serial numberin【project directory】\webapps\qvs\WEB-INF\home\raqsoftConfig.xml; the default main directory is【project directory】\webapps\qvs\WEB-INF\home\splx.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Config Version="3">
<!-- Set RSRV main directory -->
Step 4: Configure RSRV
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- code:Verification string-->
<verify code="demoqvs">
<!-- Remote storage configurations: “store” is debugger’s remote storage information; “type” specifies storage service provider type (S3, Winhong, GCS, NFS, Azure, HDFS, OSS and Mount). The content between tags is RSRV’s remote storage user information. The example uses S3’s user information format; need to configure as user’s own remote storage address. -->
<store type="S3">
You can change the verification string and add remote storage address in【project directory】\webapps\qvs\WEB-INF\home\qvsConfig.xml. The default verification string the RSRV application provides is "demoqvs".
Step 5: Start RSRV
Step 6: Log in RSRV
Open esProc IDE and click 【RSRV -> Log in】on the menu bar.
- Server Name: the user-defined server name; namesake servers are not allowed;
- URL: http://[ip address]:[port number]/[project name];
- Verification string: The string for verifying RSRV connection; there can be multiple verification strings.
Enter all the information correctly and click “Log in” to access the RSRV.
Then the logged in remote resource myRSRV is displayed under File Resource on the left part of the IDE. Under myRSRV, there are the RSRV main directory and the remote storage directory.
WEB script debugging
After finishing deploying the RSRV application, we can not only log in the remote server from the designer and debug a script file stored in its main directory, but use the “WEB script debugging” functionality to debug a script file.Enter URL:http://[ip address]:[port number]/[project name]/login.jsp to the browser’s address bar, and switch to the WEB script debugging login interface.
Login password: The code verification string configured in tag of qvsConfig.xml in Enterprise RSRV’s application.
You can debug the script file stored in the main directory once you log in successfully. On the left part of the interface, directories and script files in the SPL main directory are automatically displayed. Click a file in the list, content of the script will be displayed in the cellset area, and you can edit and modify the script:
Execute: Execute the program in the whole cellset;
Compute: Compute the selected cell only;
New: Create a new script file in the main directory;
Save: Save the modified script file;
Save as: Save the script file in a different location while you can change the file’s name.
Insert row: Insert a row before the row containing the currently selected cell.
Delete row: Delete a row before the row containing the currently selected cell.
Insert column: Insert a column before the column containing the currently selected cell.
Delete column: Delete a column before the column containing the currently selected cell.
Edit parameter: Define parameters to be used in the script file.
Application Directory
Look at content of the RSRV application directory and that of configuration files.
The RSRV’s application path is 【esProc installation directory】\esProc\q-server\webapps\qvs. Below is the content of the qvs application directory:
Necessary directory, where configuration file and jars are held |
home |
log |
Log directory |
splx |
Default RSRV main directory |
qvsConfig.xml |
RSRV configuration file |
raqsoftConfig.xml |
SPL configuration file |
lib |
Holds the jars referenced by the WEB application |
web.xml |
For configuring servlet |
images |
The directory needed for script debugging on the WEB page |
js |
The directory needed for script debugging on the WEB page |
websplx |
The directory needed for script debugging on the WEB page |
easyui |
The directory needed for script debugging on the WEB page |
Configuration files
Below is the content of RSRV configuration file qvsConfig.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<locale language="en" country=""/>
<!—cacheSystem: Configurations of downloading user files from the remote storage service provider to RSRV.
cachePath: The directory recording file downloading information;
blockSize: Specify the size of each downloaded block;
minFreeSpace: The minimum free space for storing the downloaded file directory; when the available server disk space is less than the specified minimum free space, buffered files under the download directory will be automatically deleted. -->
<cacheSystem cachePath="cache" blockSize="1024" minFreeSpace="2" />
<verify code="demoqvs">
<!-- Remote storage configurations: “store” is debugger’s remote storage information; “type” specifies storage service provider type (S3, Winhong, GCS, NFS, Azure, HDFS, OSS and Mount). The content between tags is RSRV’s remote storage user information. The example uses S3’s user information format; need to configure as user’s own remote storage address. -->
<store type="S3"> {"region":"cn-north-2","accessKey":"AKEETAZQDCXFENKIIIXO","secretKey":"aYI3JBZOuRGkU3bck2H6u4W5O3FvNhjDhoVQU2yN","endPoint":""}
Below is the content of SPL configuration file raqsoftConfig.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Config Version="3">
<!-- Configure the data source the application requires; the related driver jar files should be put in a directory that can be loaded by the RSRV application-->
<DB name="demo">
<property name="url" value="jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://" ></property>
<property name="driver" value="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver" ></property>
<property name="type" value="13" ></property>
<property name="user" value="sa" ></property>
<property name="password" ></property>
<property name="batchSize" value="1000" ></property>
<property name="autoConnect" value="true" ></property>
<property name="useSchema" value="false" ></property>
<property name="addTilde" value="false" ></property>
<property name="dbCharset" value="UTF-8" ></property>
<property name="clientCharset" value="UTF-8" ></property>
<property name="needTransContent" value="false" ></property>
<property name="needTransSentence" value="false" ></property>
<property name="caseSentence" value="false" ></property>
<dateTimeFormat>yyyy-MM-dd HH🇲🇲ss</dateTimeFormat>
<!—Set RSRV main directory, which will be displayed on the tree structured list on the left part of the IDE after the remote service is logged in; when it is a relative path, it is relative to raqsoftConfig.xml -->
<!-- Set external library -->
<!-- Set serial number -->
Below is the content of web.xml for servlet configuration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app version="3.0">
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