12.10 Associate with detail table


Here below is a data table that stores the customer order information:


The following data table stores the order details:


Example 1:
Find out the customer order information with a total order amount greater than 1000:

1 =E(‘Sheet1!A1:D8’)
2 =E(‘Sheet2!A1:E17’)
3 =A2.groups(OrderID;sum(Price*Quantity):Amount).select(Amount>1000)
4 =A1.join@i(OrderID,A3:OrderID)

A3: Group A2 by OrderID; calculate the total order Amount of each group; select the group with Amount>1000
A4: Join A1 and A3 on OrderID. The option @i means discarding the unmatched row in A1


Example 2:
Find out the order details in the north area.

1 =E(‘Sheet1!A1:D8’)
2 =E(‘Sheet2!A1:E17’)
3 =A1.select(Area==“north”)
4 =A2.join@i(OrderID,A3:OrderID)

A3: Find out the order information in the north area from A1
A4: Join A2 and A3 on OrderID. The option @i means discarding the unmatched rows in A2


esProc Desktop and Excel Processing
12.9 Associate multiple rows of data
12.11 Find changes through comparison