1.4 Getting the first record meeting the specified condition


Below is part of the Stock table:

Code Date Open Close
600036 2017/1/1 20.42 20.03
600036 2017/1/2 24.66 19.01
600036 2017/1/3 21.16 16.05
600036 2017/1/4 19.03 23.83
600036 2017/1/5 25.74 18.69
600036 2017/1/6 18.89 18.45
600036 2017/1/7 23.58 20.9
600036 2017/1/8 23.48 15.44
600036 2017/1/9 15.89 22.13
600036 2017/1/10 16.34 25.61
600036 2017/1/11 19.06 18.37
600036 2017/1/12 16.66 20.85
600036 2017/1/13 24.78 18.59
600036 2017/1/14 21.61 16.37
600036 2017/1/15 21 23.26
600036 2017/1/16 15.44 17.15
600036 2017/1/17 19.02 18.03

Get the transaction information where the closing price of China Merchants Bank (600036) exceeds 25 yuan in the year 2017.
SPL script:

1 =T(“data.xlsx”)
2 =A1.select@1(close>=25)

A2: Find the first record where the closing price exceeds 25 yuan from the beginning.
Execution result:

Code Date Open Close
600036 2017-01-10 16.34 25.61