5.10 Application: find the maximum number of days for continuously increasing duration


Find the number of continuous increase of value of the specified column in a loop operation.
Find the maximum number of days when the closing price increases continuously in the year 2019 based on the SSE Composite Index table. Below is part of the table:

Date Open Close Amount
2019/12/31 3036.3858 3050.124 2.27E11
2019/12/30 2998.1689 3040.0239 2.67E11
2019/12/27 3006.8517 3005.0355 2.58E11
2019/12/26 2981.2485 3007.3546 1.96E11
2019/12/25 2980.4276 2981.8805 1.9E11

SPL script:

1 =T(“000001.csv”)
2 =A1.select(year(Date)==2019).sort(Date)
3 =n=0,A2.max(if(Close>Close[-1],n+=1,n=0))

A1 Import the data table.
A2 Select records of the year 2019 and sort them by date.
A3 Loop closing price of each date to compare it with that of the previous date, during which add 1 to the count if the current price is higher, and get the largest count.

Execution result:
