7.9 Association query: align-join on ordinal numbers to shuffle field values


Join tables and shuffle positions of values in the specified field to encrypt them.
Shuffle values of a certain column in the database and encrypt them, and write them back to the database.

1 D N
2 U n
3 j K
4 N D

The join() function works with @p option to perform an alignment join on ordinal numbers.

SPL script:

1 =connect(“demo”)
2 =A1.query@x(“select ID,ORIGINAL_VALUE from REF_VALUES”)
3 =A2.sort(rand())
4 =join@p(A2.(ID);A3.(ORIGINAL_VALUE))
5 =A1.update@u(A4, REF_VALUES, ID:_1, SHUFFLED_VALUE:_2; ID)

A1 Connect to the database.
A2 Query the reference values table.
A3 Shuffle the table sequence with a random seed.
A4 Use join@p function to join the original IDs and corresponding shuffled values in alignment on ordinal numbers.
A5 Update A4’s result to the database table REF_VALUES according to the primary key ID.