11.6 Recursively concatenate field values


The following JSON file records numbers of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in different regions of the world at a certain time, and we want to find the total number worldwide. Below is part of the JSON file:

        {Region:"New York",Confirmed:1139740},
    {Region:"India",Confirmed: […]},
    {Region:"France",Confirmed: […]}

Some countries have the country-level numbers, some have state/province-level numbers and some offer city-level numbers. In this case we cannot loop through field values and simply sum them. Instead, we need recursive sum. SPL has A.conj@r() function to concatenate members of sequences recursively.

SPL script:

1 =json(file(“COVID-19.json”).read())
2 =A1.field@r(“Confirmed”)
3 =A2.conj@r().sum()

A1 Import the JSON file.
A2 Use A.field@r() function to get all Confirmed field values recursively.
A3 Use A.conj@r() function to concatenate all confirmed cases and perform sum.