Conditional Merge Grouping & Count
I want to count all rows that are less than 10 in column "value" but if the next row(s) also have a value less than 10 only count it as 1(as a group). So in this example I would like to get back the number 3. I use MySQL:
So id-2 with value(3) < 10 = +1
Id-4,5,6 value < 10 = +1
Id-9 value < 10 = +1
-- id -- value --
|.. 1 ..|.. 11 ...|
|.. 2 ..|... 3 ...|
|.. 3 ..|.. 12 ...|
|.. 4 ..|... 2 ...|
|.. 5 ..|... 1 ...|
|.. 6 ..|... 3 ...|
|.. 7 ..|.. 15 ...|
|.. 8 ..|.. 24 ...|
|.. 9 ..|... 5 ...|
|. 10 ..|.. 15 ...|
My first reaction is comparing a value with the next one to group rows into multiple groups without aggregation. The groups are value≥10, value<10 and value≥10 … Then count the groups where values are less than 10. SQL prescribes that grouping and aggregation are a bundle. And it’s an inconvenient workaround to compare a value with its next neighbor in the language. The following script written in SPL (Structured Process Language) is intuitive and easy to understand.
A |
1 |
$select id,value from tb |
2 |<10) |
3 |
=A2.count(value<10) |
A1: Retrieve data in SQL;
A2: Perform merge grouping by comparing a value with the next one by value≥10 and value<10;
A3: Count groups where value<10.
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