Run complex SQL queries on a CSV file

Use csvsql or q, command-line tools that allow direct execution of SQL-like queries on CSVs/TSVs (and any other tabular text files) if your query is very simple. If you want to do more complex queries or even want to query excel files directly, try esProc.

How to Use

Execute SQL in esProc

You can easily export the SQL query result to a new Excel file or text file.



Execute SQL at command line

For Windows:

esprocx -r select state, sum(amount) as sum_amount from d:/excel/orders.xlsx group by state


For Linux:

esprocx -r select state, sum(amount) as sum_amount from d:/excel/orders.xlsx group by state


esProc supports most of the syntax in SQL92 standards.

  A B
1 $select * from  E:/txt/Students_scores.txt where CLASS=10 /Filtering
2 $select  avg(Chinese),max(Math),sum(English) from E:/txt/Students_scores.txt /Aggregation
3 $select  *,English+Chinese+Math as total_score from E:/txt/students_scores.txt /Inter-column calculations
4 $select  *, case when English>=60 then 'Pass' else 'Fail' end as English_evaluation  from E:/txt/students_scores.txt  /CASE statement
5 $select *  from E:/txt/students_scores.txt order by CLASS,English+Chinese+Math desc /Sorting
6 $select  top 3 * from E:/txt/students_scores.txt order by English desc /TOP-N
7 $select  CLASS,min(English),max(Chinese),sum(Math) from E:/txt/students_scores.txt  group by CLASS  /Grouping & aggregation
8 $select  CLASS,avg(English) as avg_En from E:/txt/students_scores.txt group by CLASS having  avg(English)<70 /Post-grouping filtering
9 $select  distinct CLASS from E:/txt/students_scores.txt /Distinct
10 $select  count(distinct PID) from E:/txt/PRODUCT_SALE.txt /Distinct Count
11 $select  PID,count(distinct DATE) as no_sdate from E:/txt/PRODUCT_SALE.txt group by  PID /Grouping & Count Distinct
12 $select  sum(S.quantity*P.Price) as total from E:/txt/Sales.txt as S  join E:/txt/Products.txt as P on S.productid=P.ID where S.quantity<=10 /Two-table join query
13 $select  e.NAME as NAME from E:/txt/EMPLOYEE_J.txt as e 
join E:/txt/DEPARTMENT.txt as d on  e.DEPTID=d.DEPTID 
join E:/txt/STATE.txt as s on  e.STATEID=s.STATEID
where d.NAME='HR' and s.NAME='California'
/Multi-table join query
14 $select  e.NAME as ENAME from  E:/txt/EMPLOYEE.txt as e
   join E:/txt/DEPARTMENT.txt as d on  e.DEPT=d.NAME
   join E:/txt/EMPLOYEE.txt as emp on d.MANAGER=emp.EID
where  e.STATE='New York' and emp.STATE='California'
/Multi-table, multilevel join query
15 $select  emp.BIRTHDAY as BIRTHDAY,emp.DEPT as DEPT from E:/txt/DEPARTMENT.txt as dept
    join E:/txt/EMPLOYEE.txt emp
    on dept.MANAGER=emp.EID
  emp.BIRTHDAY=(select  max(BIRTHDAY)
       from ( select emp1.BIRTHDAY as BIRTHDAY
            from E:/txt/DEPARTMENT.txt as  dept1
             join E:/txt/EMPLOYEE.txt as  emp1
             on dept1.MANAGER=emp1.EID
/Nested subquery

For more complex scenarios, please refer to How to Use SQL in esProc and know more about esProc and SPL