Calculate Prime Numbers with Sieve Method



Sieve method is an old way to find all the prime numbers smaller than a certain natural number N (N>1). It works like this. First number 1 is canceled from the sequence of N natural numbers, in which the minimum prime number is 2. Next all numbers divisible by 2 are canceled while keeping number 2. Now 3, the first number not canceled, is a prime number. Then all the numbers divisible by 3 are canceled. Now 5, the first number not cancelled, is a prime number. Then cancel all numbers divisible by 5. Going on like this, one can find that the next adjacent number after each sieving is inevitable a prime. In this way, all composite numbers smaller than N will be sift out while all prime numbers smaller than N will remain.

Please code this algorithm in esProc to find out all the prime numbers within 10,000.


General steps: Declare an ordered sequence from 1 to 10,000 and cancel 1. Next run a loop from the minimum prime number 2 and assign 0 to the numbers divisible by the current number, while keeping the current number. The numbers in the final sequence that are not 0 are all the prime numbers within 10,000.

  1. Define an increasing sequence from 1 to 10,000.
  2. Assign 0 to the member whose value is 1.
  3. Loop through the increasing sequence from 2, and assign 0 to the numbers divisible by the current number in the loop body.
  4. The numbers remained that are not 0 are prime numbers.


1 10000
2 =to(A1) Generate a sequence from 1 to 10,000.
3 >A2(1)=0 Assign 0 to members whose value is 1.
4 for A2 if A4>0 Loop Sequence A2. If the current number is not 0, it indicates that the number is prime number. Set as 0 all the numbers behind it that can be exactly divided by this number.
5 =A1.step(A4,A4).to(2,)
6 >A2(C5)=0
7>0) The final remaining numbers that are not 0 are prime numbers.

