SPL Programming Exercise - Chapter 10 Association


10.1 Primary key

1. Sales data is as follows:

ID Name Sales
010010001 Tom 7,588,420
010010002 John 8,953,172
010010003 Joan 6,276,185
020010004 Rocky 1,281,280
020010005 Ham 2,686,043
020010006 Kate 5,851,210
020010007 Rose 292,254
030020008 Nomy 8,216,267
030020009 Neil 5,143,192

(1) Set ID as primary key

(2) Find the primary key value of the second record

(3) Establish an index for the primary key

(4) Search for records with primary key values of 10010002,20010004,30020008

(5) Delete primary key

(6) Set ID and Name as primary keys

(7) Search for the record with the primary key values of 20010005 and “Ham”

10.2 Foreign key

1. There are tables of Person and Address as follows

Age Table

personId lastName firstName
1 Wang Allen
2 Alice Bob

personId is the primary key of the table

This table contains information about some people’s IDs and their last and first names.

Address Table

addressId personId city state
1 2 New York New York
2 3 Los Angeles California

addressId is the primary key of the table

Each row of the table contains information about the city and state of a person with ID=PersonId

(1) Using the switch function, with Address as the fact table, convert the foreign key field to the corresponding dimension table record, and set it to null when the corresponding record does not exist.

(2) Add the lastName from the dimension table record to the table Address, and the effect is as follows:

2. Identify the list of customers who have purchased a certain product using the Customers and Orders tables (using switch and join methods)

Customers Table

id name
1 Joe
2 Henry
3 Sam
4 Max

Orders Table

id customerId amount
1 3 787
2 1 675
3 3 203

3. Find the list of customers who have not purchased the product in the Customers and Orders tables in question 2

4. The employee salary table and department table are as follows. Find the highest paying employees and their salary in each department


id name salary departmentId
1 Joe 70000 1
2 Henry 90000 1
3 Sam 80000 2
4 Max 60000 2
5 Jim 90000 1


id name
1 IT
2 Sales

Note that there may be more than one employee with the highest salary

5. The customer order table and order details table are as follows:


OrderID Customer Area Orderdate
1001 Tom west 2020/2/5
1002 Jack south 2020/2/5
1003 Tim east 2020/2/5
1004 Rose north 2020/2/6
1005 Kate east 2020/2/6
1006 John south 2020/2/7
1007 Horn north 2020/2/7


OrderID Index Product Price Quantity
1001 1 p1 12.5 32
1001 2 p2 14.3 55
1001 3 p3 15.7 14
1002 1 p1 12.5 10
1002 2 p3 15.7 8
1003 1 p1 12.5 36
1003 2 p4 8.8 15
1003 3 p6 62.3 85
1004 1 p2 14.3 24
1005 1 p3 15.7 12
1005 2 p4 8.8 27
1006 1 p1 12.5 18
1006 2 p4 8.8 92
1006 3 p6 62.3 10
1007 1 p3 15.7 6
1007 2 p5 24.8 8

(1) Please find information on customer orders with a total order amount greater than 1000.

Tip: An order contains multiple products, and the total order amount is equal to the total amount of all products in the order.

Result example:

(2) Identify customer order details in the North area.

Result example:

6. The freight standard table and transportation order table are as follows


City First1KG Add1KG
Alabama 12 3
Alaska 11 5
Arizona 11 5
Arkansas 10 5
Boston 12 3
California 10 4
Colorado 10 4
Connecticut 12 5


OID City WeightKG
100001 Arizona 15
100002 Arkansas 13
100003 Boston 11
100004 Colorado 3
100005 Connecticut 2.5
100006 Arizona 8
100007 Alabama 3.6
100008 Alaska 22
100009 California 19

According to the freight standard table, calculate the actual freight cost.

Tip: Actual shipping cost=First weight shipping cost+Excess weight * Overweight unit price, where less than 1KG will be calculated as 1KG

7. Employee dining data and meal fee standards are as follows


Name Mealtype
Tom breakfast
John lunch
Joan supper
Rocky breakfast
Ham lunch
Kate supper
Rose breakfast
Nomy lunch
Neil supper
Jack breakfast
Joe lunch
Peter supper
Sunny breakfast
Tiger lunch
Alice breakfast
Cindy lunch
Leon supper
Lily breakfast
Kevin lunch
Shelly supper
Panzy breakfast
Maggie lunch
Mark supper
Aileen breakfast


Mealtype Mealcharge
breakfast 10
lunch 15
supper 20

Calculate the meal expenses for each employee in the Meal table.

8. Interval association

There are a quantity table and a price standard table, calculate the corresponding prices in the quantity table.




StartQuantity EndQuantity Price
0 50 15
50 100 13.75
100 300 13
300 500 12.5

Tip: segp()is the selection function for pseg(), and returns the corresponding member based on the segment number.

Result example:

10.3 Merge

1. The sales order table data for 2018 and 2019 are as follows, and the two sheets have the same column structure:


OrderID CustomerID ProductID OrderDate Amount
10248 VINET 11 2018-07-04 168
10248 VINET 42 2018-07-04 98
10248 VINET 72 2018-07-04 174
10249 TOMSP 14 2018-07-05 167.4
10249 TOMSP 51 2018-07-05 1696
10250 HANAR 41 2018-07-08 77
10250 HANAR 51 2018-07-08 1484
10250 HANAR 65 2018-07-08 252
10251 VICTE 22 2018-07-08 100.8
10251 VICTE 57 2018-07-08 234
10251 VICTE 65 2018-07-08 336
10252 SUPRD 20 2018-07-09 2592
10252 SUPRD 33 2018-07-09 50
10252 SUPRD 60 2018-07-09 1088
10253 HANAR 31 2018-07-10 200


OrderID CustomerID ProductID OrderDate Amount
10400 EASTC 29 2019-01-01 2079
10400 EASTC 35 2019-01-01 504
10400 EASTC 49 2019-01-01 480
10401 RATTC 30 2019-01-01 372.6
10401 RATTC 56 2019-01-01 2128
10401 RATTC 65 2019-01-01 336
10401 RATTC 71 2019-01-01 1032
10402 ERNSH 23 2019-01-02 432
10402 VINET 72 2019-01-02 2281.5
10403 ERNSH 16 2019-01-03 291.9
10403 ERNSH 48 2019-01-03 714
10404 HANAR 65 2019-01-03 747
10404 MAGAA 42 2019-01-03 448
10404 MAGAA 49 2019-01-03 480
10405 LINOD 3 2019-01-06 400

(1) Identify orders from the same customer (customerID) who purchased the same product (ProductID) in the past two years

(2) Merge orders from two years into one table and calculate the total amount for each customer

(3) Identify the order status of new customers in 2019:

(4) Identify the list of all lost customers (customerID) in 2019,

2. The top ten product names and salesperson names in January and February sales rankings:


ProductName Name
Sasquatch Ale Sunny
Steeleye Stout Mark
Aniseed Syrup Peter
Chef Anton’s Cajun Seasoning Sunny
Chef Anton’s Gumbo Mix Mark
Genen Shouyu Mark
Grandma’s Boysenberry Spread Sunny
Gula Malacca Sunny
Louisiana Fiery Hot Pepper Sauce Peter
Louisiana Hot Spiced Okra Peter


ProductName Name
Northwoods Cranberry Sauce Mark
Original Frankfurter grüne So?e Peter
Chef Anton’s Cajun Seasoning Ben
Genen Shouyu Mark
Louisiana Fiery Hot Pepper Sauce Peter
Sasquatch Ale John
Valkoinen suklaa Mark
Zaanse koeken Peter
Camembert Pierrot Sunny
Flotemysost Mark

(1) Using the ProductName as the key column, identify the product data that entered the top ten for both January and February (just list the salesperson’s name for January)

(2) Using the ProductName as the key column, identify the product data that entered the top ten once or more in January and February

(3) Using the ProductName as the key column, identify the sales data of products that entered the top ten in January but did not enter the top ten in February

(4) Based on a comparison of the entire row of data, identify the products and salesperson data that entered the top ten in both January and February

3. Merge multiple tables

The top 10 sales data for multiple months are as follows, and the number of months will continue to increase over time.


Find the products that have been listed in the top ten for all the past months

4. According to different sales channels, a certain merchant stores their sales records in two tables: online and store. Sometimes, both online and offline activities are held simultaneously, and some sales records are stored in two tables at the same time. The sales table structure is the same, as follows:


OrderID Customer SellerId OrderDate Amount
10400 EASTC 1 2014/1/1 3063
10401 HANAR 1 2014/1/1 3868.6
10402 ERNSH 8 2014/1/2 2713.5
10403 ERNSH 4 2014/1/3 1005.9
10404 MAGAA 2 2014/1/3 1675


OrderID Customer SellerId OrderDate Amount
10402 ERNSH 8 2014/1/2 2713.5
10403 ERNSH 4 2014/1/3 1005.9
10405 TOMSP 5 2014/1/3 2592
10406 VICTE 3 2014/1/4 252
10407 SUPRD 2 2014/1/5 100.8

(1) Please summarize order data both online and offline, and calculate the actual total sales revenue of the merchant

(2) Search for duplicate sales records saved both online and offline

5. Based on the different versions of the two transaction information files old.xlsx and new.xlsx, identify the newly added, deleted, and modified records.


UserName Date SaleValue SaleCount
Rachel 2015/3/1 4500 9
Rachel 2015/3/3 8700 4
Tom 2015/3/2 3000 8
Tom 2015/3/3 5000 7
Tom 2015/3/4 6000 12
John 2015/3/2 4000 3
John 2015/3/2 4300 9
John 2015/3/4 4800 4


UserName Date SaleValue SaleCount
Rachel 2015/3/1 4500 9
Rachel 2015/3/2 5000 5
Ashley 2015/3/1 6000 5
Rachel 2015/3/3 11700 4
Tom 2015/3/3 5000 7
Tom 2015/3/4 6000 12
John 2015/3/2 4000 3
John 2015/3/2 4300 9
John 2015/3/4 4800 4

10.4 Join

1. There are Customers and Orders tables for a certain product

id name
1 Joe
2 Henry
3 Sam
4 Max

Orders Table

id customerId amount
1 3 787
2 1 675
3 3 203

(1) Identify the names of customers who have purchased products and their total consumption

(2) Identify the list of customers who have not purchased products

2. There are two tables, namely the price table and inventory table for certain meat products. Now, it is necessary to horizontally concatenate the two tables.


Name UnitPrice
Mutton 7.69
Pork 4.58
Chicken 5.77
Beef 7.96


Name Stock MinimumStock
Mutton 5000 3000
Chicken 4000 3000
Duck 2500 2000
Beef 3600 2000

(1) Join by Name, retain all rows after join

(2) Join by Name, keep only the rows that are present in both files

(3) Join by Name, keep the rows of the first file

3. Join the following two tables by the Region and Name fields, keeping the rows of the first file


Region Name UnitPrice
A Mutton 7.69
A Pork 4.58
A Chicken 5.77
A Beef 7.96
B Mutton 6.32
B Pork 4.13
B Chicken 6.33


Region Name Stock MinimumStock
A Mutton 500 3000
A Chicken 4000 3000
A Duck 2500 2000
A Beef 3600 2000
B Mutton 2000 1500
B Pork 600 300
B Beef 3200 2000

Effect after join:

4. There are two tables


Type Description
Fruits Edible plant fruit which is succulent and tastes mainly sweet and sour
Meats Edible subcutaneous tissue and muscle of animals


Type Name UnitPrice
Fruits Apple 1.69
Fruits Banana 0.69
Fruits Peach 0.88
Fruits Strawberry 1.97
Meats Mutton 7.69
Meats Pork 4.58
Meats Chicken 5.77
Meats Duck 6.89
Meats Beef 7.96

Join by Type and add Description after each type of food

Effect after join:

5. According to the community personnel table and age segmentation table, query the age group of community residents. (Implemented using xjoin())


ID Name Age
1 David 28
2 Daniel 15
3 Andrew 65
4 Rudy


Group Start End
Children 0 15
Youth 16 40
Middle 41 60
Old 61 100

Query effect:

Suggested answers

10.1 Primary key


1 =T(“Sales.xlsx”)
2 =A1.keys(ID)
3 =A1(2).key()
4 >A1.index()
5 =A1.find(10010002,20010004,30020008)
6 =A1.keys()
7 =A1.keys(ID,Name)
8 =A1.find([20010005,“Ham”])

10.2 Foreign key


1 =T(“Person.xlsx”).keys(personId)
2 =T(“Address.xlsx”).keys(addressId)
3 >A2.switch(personId,A1)
4 =A2.new(addressId,personId.lastName:lastName,city,state)


1 =T(“Customers.xlsx”).keys(id)
2 =T(“Orders”).keys(id)
3 >A2.switch(customerId,A1)
4 =A2.(customerId.name).id()
1 =T(“Customers.xlsx”).keys(id)
2 =T(“Orders”).keys(id)
3 =A2.join(customerId,A1,name).(name).id()


1 =T(“Customers.xlsx”).keys(id)
2 =T(“Orders”).keys(id)
3 =A2.group(customerId;)
4 =A1.join@d(id,A3:customerId)


1 =T(“Employee”).keys(id)
2 =T(“Department”).keys(id)
3 =A1.join(departmentId,A2,name:deptname)
4 =A3.group(deptname;~.maxp@a(salary).(name):name,~.max(salary):salary)



1 =T(“Orders.xlsx”)
2 =T(“Order_detail.xlsx”)
3 =A2.groups(OrderID;sum(Price*Quantity):Amount).select(Amount>1000)
4 =A1.join@i(OrderID,A3:OrderID)


1 =T(“Orders.xlsx”)
2 =T(“Order_detail.xlsx”)
3 =A1.select(Area==“north”)
4 =A2.join@i(OrderID,A3:OrderID)


1 =T(“Freight.xlsx”)
2 =T(“Orders.xlsx”)
3 =A2.join(City,A1:City,First1KG+(ceil(WeightKG)-1)*Add1KG:Fee)


1 =T(“Meal.xlsx”)
2 =T(“Charge.xlsx”)
3 =A1.join(Mealtype, A2:Mealtype, Mealcharge)


1 =T(“Quantity.xlsx”)
2 =T(“Price.xlsx”)
3 =A1.derive(A2.segp@r(StartQuantity,Quantity).Price:Price)

10.3 Merge



1 =T(“2018.xlsx”)
2 =T(“2019.xlsx”)
3 =[A1,A2].merge@io(CustomerID,ProductID)


1 =T(“2018.xlsx”)
2 =T(“2019.xlsx”)
3 =[A1,A2].merge@o(OrderID)
4 =A3.groups(CustomerID;sum(Amount):TotalAmount)


1 =T(“2018.xlsx”)
2 =T(“2019.xlsx”)
3 =A2.id(CustomerID)\A1.id(CustomerID)
4 =A2.select(A3.contain(CustomerID))


1 =T(“2018.xlsx”)
2 =T(“2019.xlsx”)
3 =A1.id(CustomerID)\A2.id(CustomerID)


1 =T(“Jan.xlsx”)
2 =T(“Feb.xlsx”)
3 =[A1,A2].merge@oi(ProductName)
4 =[A1,A2].merge@ou(ProductName)
5 =[A1,A2].merge@od(ProductName)
6 =[A1,A2].merge@oi()


1 =file(“top10Sales.xlsx”).xlsopen()
2 =A1.(A1.xlsimport@t(;stname)).merge@oi(ProductName)



1 =T(“Online.xlsx”)
2 =T(“Store.xlsx”)
3 =A1.sort(OrderID)
4 =A2.sort(OrderID)
5 =[A3,A4].merge@u(OrderID)
6 =A5.sum(Amount)


1 =T(“Online.xlsx”)
2 =T(“Store.xlsx”)
3 =A1.sort(OrderID)
4 =A2.sort(OrderID)
5 =[A3,A4].merge@i(OrderID)


1 =T(“old.xlsx”)
2 =T(“new.xlsx”)
3 =A1.sort(UserName,Date)
4 =A2.sort(UserName,Date)
5 =new=[A4,A3].merge@d(UserName,Date)
6 =delete=[A3,A4].merge@d(UserName,Date)
7 =diff=[A4,A3].merge@d(UserName,Date,SaleValue,SaleCount)
8 =update=[diff,new].merge@d(UserName,Date)
9 return [new, delete, update]

10.4 Join



1 =T(“Customers.xlsx”)
2 =T(“Orders”)
3 =A2.groups(customerId;sum(amount):Amount)
4 =join(A1:a,id;A3:b,customerId)
5 =A4.new(a.name,b.Amount)


1 =T(“Customers.xlsx”)
2 =T(“Orders”)
3 =A2.groups(customerId)
4 =join@d(A1:a,id;A3:b,customerId)



1 =file(“Meats.xlsx”).xlsimport@t()
2 =file(“MeatStock.xlsx”).xlsimport@t()
3 =join@f(A1:Price,Name;A2:Stock,Name)
4 =A3.new([Price.Name,Stock.Name].ifn():Name,Stock.Stock,Stock.MinimumStock,Price.UnitPrice)
5 =file(“MeatsPriceStock.xlsx”).xlsexport@t(A4)


1 =file(“Meats.xlsx”).xlsimport@t()
2 =file(“MeatStock.xlsx”).xlsimport@t()
3 =join(A1:Price,Name;A2:Stock,Name)
4 =A3.new(Stock.Name,Stock.Stock,Stock.MinimumStock,Price.UnitPrice)
5 =file(“MeatsPriceStock.xlsx”).xlsexport@t(A4)


1 =file(“Meats.xlsx”).xlsimport@t()
2 =file(“MeatStock.xlsx”).xlsimport@t()
3 =join@1(A1:Price,Name;A2:Stock,Name)
4 =A3.new(Price.Name,Stock.Stock,Stock.MinimumStock,Price.UnitPrice)
5 =file(“MeatsPriceStock.xlsx”).xlsexport@t(A4)


1 =file(“MeatsRegion.xlsx”).xlsimport@t()
2 =file(“MeatRegionStock.xlsx”).xlsimport@t()
3 =join@1(A1:Price,Region,Name;A2:Stock,Region,Name)
4 =A3.new(Price.Region,Price.Name,Stock.Stock,Stock.MinimumStock,Price.UnitPrice)
5 =file(“MeatsPriceStock.xlsx”).xlsexport@t(A4)


1 =T(“Types.xlsx”)
2 =T(“Foods.xlsx”)
3 =join@f(A1:Type,Type;A2:Food,Type)
4 =A3.new(Food.Type,Food.Name,Food.UnitPrice,Type.Description)
5 =T(“FoodsDescription.xlsx”,A4)


1 =T(“Community.xlsx”)
2 =T(“Age.xlsx”)
3 =xjoin@1(A1:Person; A2:Age, A2.Start<=Person.Age && A2.End>=Person.Age)
4 =A3.new(Person.ID:ID, Person.Name:Name, Person.Age:Age,Age.Group:Group)